Sunday, April 12, 2009

Rhinos, whales and blenders

This is your one warning. Do not read this post if you are normal. It is not for you.

Photo: Qfamily: Flickr

Hubby called and said he was working late tonight. No big deal, I'll just go chill at the lab until he's done. So, I walk in and he looks really busy. He told me a rhino just attacked him and he had to put it down. So I ask him, "uhh... Where's the Rhino?"

Hubby: "I put him in the blender."

He tells me to watch the door because the clean-up crew is coming around soon and he didn't want them fucking around in here right now. I asked who was in the other room.

Hubby: "That's the security guard. He's gotta go in the blender too. He sort of... stop asking questions just watch the door."

I have no idea what's going on but I'm getting really pissed off. Hubby tries to console me about the rhino. All I can hear is the freaking blender. He tells me he was sorry that I got involved but I needed to go relax while he finished. He sent me to swim with the whales.

Hubby: "Watch out for the sharks. They can be real assholes."

So I get my wet suit on and I jump on the whale's back. He's showing me around the whole ocean. No joke, we are having a blast. All of a sudden we just drop endlessly until BOOM! We hit the ocean floor. He says, "I love doing that. It's so much fun free falling." -_-

When I open my eyes after the whale started swimming again I got more scared. We were swimming straight towards the sharks. One of them gets really close so I head butted him. (Note, if you slam the nose of a shark, they get dizzy. One thing I did learn in HS biology.) Of course we got through the shark territory ok.

That's when I woke up with a sore neck and freaked out to see Hubby getting ready for work and told him how horrified I was of rhinos, whales and blenders.

I guess that's what I get for playing with Legos before I go to sleep.


Nicki ~ Babysteps said...

You really need to get more sleep. Or quit the drugs.

Lina Fuh said...

I just thank you for my sanity or lack of