Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Common Sense Spoils

I took my car to the dealership to get its usual maintenance and check up. Of course there was something wrong with it. My battery was dead and I didn't know why. Anyhow, I get sent to get a rental car. I asked for something small. I am a fast driver and I refuse to change for a large car (that and plus I refuse to pay extra for gas). I get in the small rental and drive to work. As I pull into the garage, I start feeling for the window buttons. I'm feeling around and I don't feel anything. OH MY FREAKING GAWD! There are NO BUTTONS! I quickly look down and there it is... a window crank. What in the world is that?

Do you know how long its been since I've even seen a window crank? I didn't think they existed anymore. Personally, I didn't think I was that spoiled. All the cars I had ever owned were hand me downs from my uncle, my cousin, my parents, etc. All the cars had automatic windows. I must have been lucky. Am I the only one to think that window cranks are from the caveman days? Who in the world still has a window crank?

A friend of mine thought this story was hilarious. Actually, what she found funny was that I didn't have automatic seat adjusters. My car has manual seat adjusters. My reasoning behind that is, it's faster for me to adjust my own seat versus waiting for the seat to move me to the correct spot. Automatic windows can pull up and down quicker than I can ever crank it open. Plus you don't have to reach across the passenger seat to pull down the window.

Another thing - the rental car didn't have automatic door locks. What is wrong with that? Even my old '89 Camry had automatic door locks. I think it is a safety issue.

So is it that I'm spoiled? I don't think so. I think it is just that the people who marketed automatic windows, automatic door locks and what have you did such a good job that I believe in my heart that I should never have to manually lock my door or crank a window ever again. When I went to buy my car, I specifically wanted automatic door locks and windows. It's not even a hard sell, just common sense.

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