Monday, October 4, 2010

Little people, pregnant inquiries

Here's how my conversations with my mom has been going since 2010:

Me:  Hi mom!  Watcha doing today?  Plans?
Mom:  No plans really.  Are you pregnant?
Me:  Uh... no.
Mom:  Well when you gonna get pregnant?  You're not getting younger you know.  What are you waiting for?  You know you'll never be ready so just do it already.
Me:  First you tell me, "You better not have any kids" when I got married.  Now you tell me to pop them out.  Then you tell me I'm old.  I just go by the age I look now so I'm at least 23.  :D
Mom:  sigh ...

My mom isn't the only one that asks me.  I have a few friends that are excited to see me blow up like a ballon.  Why?  What's the fascination?  One of my friends thinks that there's a fascination with skinny people getting pregnant.  She went through the same thing in her network.  Everyone was so amazed at how much weight she did or did not gain and how round she got.  It's pregnancy!  You get round and then the baby pops out and then you're not so round... or you still are.  I think people just want to see me fat because I've always been petite.  You know, I want to see myself 1.5 inches taller.  Darn that scoliosis!

Also, I've noticed... you get more "advice" when you're looking into pregnancy.  Some are welcomed and some are "meh."  People!  We're all different.  Now let me enjoy my year of freedom before my kid ruins it...  I mean rules it.

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