Saturday, May 22, 2010

Baby Fuh project begins

I'm a planner. Especially if I get excited about something, I think about it a lot. I'll do a lot of research so I know what I should expect. And so begins my official research on babies and pregnancy and preparation for a wonderful two person family life gone to three (or four). Here's hoping anyways. And no, people, I am not pregnant, not now anyways. Calm down, don't get excited. I'm not ready for people to give me dirty looks because I'll look like a 16, 17 or 18 year old girl that got knocked up by her careless boyfriend who looks at least 10 or 15 years her senior. Trust me, I'm sure it will happen. Why can't people tell Asian faces and age by now? Oh and while I'm on a rant, could people stop telling me that I'm small? I actually do know that I am small or maybe I have that toy dog complex where I think I'm bigger than I actually am. Maybe. And I'm watching "The Godfather" for my first time and the DVD is so messed up. Thanks Netflix. End rant.

I've heard a lot of things about how you can increase your chances of conceiving, increase the probability of having a boy or a girl. I'd love to know how I can increase the chances of having twins but I don't think Edwin can handle that kind of news. My sister tells me about the Chinese Gender Calendar. It tells you if you will conceive a boy or girl depending on your age and month of conception. I figure my chances of conceiving a boy are looking bright and sunny. Boys take care of their mom. I want a girl also, of course, but she's going to have two big boys looking after her. With that, I think I'll feel much safer having a girl.

Well actually, one more thing I have been looking at... strollers. I've always fancied the tandem stroller like the Joovy Caboose for it's longevity for when I have two kids but this Stokke Xplory seems pretty slick too. With that, we launch the "Baby Fuh" project.

1 comment:

pinktsoufa said...

yesss. baby fuh project!!! let me know if you find any secrets. ya know, just so i know in the future :)