Monday, March 2, 2009

Mickey Rourke & What not to do

For the longest time I heard about 9 1/2 Weeks. Hubby had been wanting me to watch it for a while telling me how beautiful Kim Basinger is in the movie and how many sex scenes are in it. Granted he saw this movie two decades ago so that's all he remembered. I finally broke down and played it via NetFlix Watch Instantly feature. Watching Mickey Rourke when he was HOT was "ahhhh". Hubby described him as a hotter Bruce Willis. YUM. You can tell his character really loved Kim Basinger's character. Of course, who wouldn't love a woman with perfect breasts? He just didn't know how to show her or maybe that's what I want to believe (because he was so hot). If you haven't seen it, watch a clip below.

Ok so I'm a stalker-ish type. After I watch movies that I want to know more about the story or actors, I look it up. It's easy, Mickey being a hottie helped too. Apparently he burned a few bridges in his earlier career being a bit outspoken. "[He] threatened producers, raged at directors, forgot [his] agent's name." (Source He also lost his first wife for reasons I don't know but he claims she was the love of his life. I'm thinking, he could have had a better career... one that was way more successful, if only? And maybe he would have been an actor I would have made an effort to watch in the 80s/90s.

I'm not perfect but I'm learning how to hold my tongue which has been a real challenge being that I'm very straight forward and I don't bull shit around. Learning how to build bridges and keep them functioning has been quite difficult for me. For a while in my late teens early twenties I didn't care what people think. I would just say what I want to say not realizing most people can't handle the harshness in truth and honesty. What I didn't realize is that there are ways to be honest and truthful without making it painful for the other person or somehow offending them unintentionally. You can say what you need to say without being so blunt. Building a bridge can take a short amount of time but burning the bridge may take a lifetime to rebuild if at all. I wish someone had taught me the art of communication and explained it to me. Even still, I
catch myself saying ridiculously mean things and trying to take it back ... well, you can't. Somtimes I care. Sometimes my bridge has been burned too many times to care anymore.

IMDB lists this as one of Mickey's personal quotes, "I thought my talent would transcend my outspokenness." I thought the same thing for a while too but no one wants to work with you if you're a total bitch even if you have all your shit together. On continues the journey of thinking twice before I say something, reading emails 2x, 3x + before I send it out or often deleting, rethinking an immediate response or reaction to a comment and just giving up my pride to be the first person to just say "hello."

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