Saturday, April 5, 2008

Audience "Final" - Be Honest

Tell your audience honestly what you want them to do and why. Then they won't feel like you're trying to pull a fast one and why should you? If you feel like you need to, maybe that isn't the audience you need to be talking to. I'm speaking mostly about campaigns and promotions of course but with all marketing (any kind) there is always a call to action (CTA). If you promote something that isn't really clear as far as what your audience is expecting, they will be dissappointed and probably won't come back to your site or look at your product again. It will just give them a negative experience and that's hard to recover from depending on the product or website or how negative that experience is.

Now that I've covered audience, I'll move on to other interesting things I have read that you may be interested in as well. Just remember - if your marketing campaign doesn't work on you, it probably won't work on someone else but then again, are you talking to the right audience???

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